Term 1 P&C Meeting

Our Term 1 meeting will be held at 6:30pm on Wednesday 5th March in the school library (located on the ground floor of the same building as the school office).

These meetings are an important opportunity to connect and contribute and we are happy to be able to have these in person. Wine, nibbles and conversation provided.

All school community members are welcome to attend our meetings and contribute their ideas and questions. Please RSVP to note your attendance and if you have any agenda items, email them to bondipublicschoolpcsec@gmail.com by Friday 28th February.

In order to vote on motions, you must be a member. To become a member, please fill in the Membership form and bring $1 to the meeting or deposit it into the P&C bank account:

BSB: 112879

Account: 003630286

Reference: Your name