Welcome to Term 2
We hope you all had a lovely Easter break and are ready to jump back in to school!
Some Term 2 dates for your diary:
- Mother’s and Special Others Day Breakfast - Friday 12th May 7:30-9am. Join us for hot food, granola cups, yoga, a nail salon and craft station! Pre-order now and save: https://bondipublicpandcevents.square.site/
- School Working Bee - Sunday 21st May
- Term 2 P&C Meeting - Wednesday 24th May
Note - our Trivia Night fundraiser has been postponed to Term 3 and will now be held on Friday 4th August.
See the school website for a list of upcoming school events: https://bondi-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/events.html
And don't forget:
- We need Grade 5 & 6 families to help out at the Mother’s and Special Others Day Breakfast. Please sign-up here: https://signup.com/go/dokOWYq
- The Mother’s Day fundraiser is on sale now - pre-order a beautiful bunch of natives and collect them from the school between 7:30 and 8:30am on Mother’s Day, Sunday May 14th. Beat the crowds at the florist and help support your school: http://www.schooltrees.com.au/
- Long sleeve polos and raincoats have arrived. Any pre-orders are being fulfilled and sent to your child's classroom
- The new winter uniform items are available for pre-order here: https://bondipublicpandc.com/collections/2023-uniform
- The uniform store is looking for someone to help them on Wednesday mornings, from 8:45-9:15am. Let them know if you can lend a hand: bondiuniform@gmail.com